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Thursday, June 21, 2012

John Denver Rocky Mountain Christmas Record!

This is a subject I know almost nothing about. This is the only record I own and it is in rough shape. There are a few scratches on both sides and there is also damage on the case/cover. I don't know much about this record (or any record as I said before) other than the songs on it and that it's by John Denver. What I do know is why I bought it. In the 1994 movie Dumb and Dumber Harry Dunne (Jeff Daniels) says "Huh. I expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this." to which Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey) replies  "I was thinkin' the same thing. That John Denver's full of shit, man." When I saw this record I was immediately reminded of the quote so I decided to buy it. It cost $1.00 which I think is fair for a nice collector's piece/decoration (I don't own a record player). I've also seen them going for around $5.00-$15.00 on eBay but I'm guessing those aren't as scratched up and the covers are in nicer condition. 


  1. Now I feel old. John Denver was great.

    Records are also great although they all get scratched they have a better sound quality. I have a few and none are valuable but it's the memories of playing them when I was a kid that is the best.

    You had to blow on the needle and then drop it gentle to play, you can change the speed and get some weird stuff it was great.

  2. And here I thought I was old still watching VHS tapes of almost 20 year old movies. Sadly I wasn't born until after the popularity of records had decreased signifigantly. I would like to get a record player and a few more records at some point but I'm not sure when that'll happen.
