Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Croatia 1993 50 Lipa!

In the age before the internet, this coin would require some digging. Nowhere on the coin does it say "Croatia" which makes it hard to identify. However, a quick Google search reveals that it is indeed Croatian. This coin is 50 Lipa, or cents, which is also half of a Kuna. It is worth $0.09 in exchange value which makes 1 Kuna $0.18. This coin is worth about 2 Kuna or $0.40.


  1. I have half dollar coin with Dzon Kennedy on it, year 1964 how much it worth?

    1. Straight out of a proof set you probably wouldn't get more than $15 for it unless it was graded. If it looks like it was actually used and spent then you'd probably get closer to $8
