Monday, December 17, 2012

MCB Trivia (Answers)!

This week I gave a question that was almost impossible to figure out. The correct answer was D. Ancient which had 2 votes. The other vote was for A. Colonial which is a type of coin I wish I had. Funny how an ancient coin can be bought for $12.00 and it takes 5 times that to buy a decent colonial coin. I'll be posting the ancient sometime in the near future and I'll have a new poll up soon! Go vote!


  1. Daniel Ptashny (dptashny @ Numista)December 18, 2012 at 8:05 PM

    I voted for the ancient, since you mentioned that on Numista.

  2. That's why I said almost. I figured any people from Numista who saw the poll and the "Your Oldest Coin" topic would vote ancient.
