Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1852 Augusta, Georgia $1.00 Bill!

This bill features... GIRLS LEARNING?!?!?!?! I doubt this note was popular in the time it was issued. After all it wasn't until 1979 that an actual, acknowledged woman was put on a circulating U.S. coin (there were models but they were billed as Liberty, not actual people). Notice in between the two "ONE"s there is a woman (most likely the teacher) and three girls (most likely the students) around an open book and a globe. It's odd that, in a time before women had many of the rights they have today and when women were discouraged from learning and encouraged to stay home and take care of the family, there would be girls in a class learning. Everything else is pretty standard: Eagle, train, blank reverse, hand-signed which symbolize Liberty, hard work, lack of technology, and trustworthiness. Also, as you may have noticed, there are some blue stamps on here. I'm not quite sure what they're for, but my best guess would be they are like chop marks on a bill (see some better examples right here). This bill is worth about $10.00.

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