Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Whew! It's been 1 whole year since I posted my first post. I've shown very, very, very many coins, bills, other collectibles, and other random things in the past 12 months, all of which can be seen here by going under the last post on the page and clicking Newer Posts (repeat the cycle until you get to present day). Thanks to every single peson who has come here to my humble blog! You make it worth while!

Odd, it seems like it was only yesterday that I decided to make this blog. Inspired by Coined For Money I set off in the complex blog world to make a nice blog where I could show my coins to the world. I made that first post and decided to post daily for as long as I could. I had a few gaps, but I now post daily just like I did then.

Thanks again all for helping to make my blog as successful as it is today! Almost 10,000 views and 50+ views a day feels great! Now can I get a 100 views a day?

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