Friday, March 9, 2012

One Million Dollars!

Here is a video from my travels of Washington D.C. and more specifically the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. This was in the hallway that leads to the anteroom so I decided to take a video of it because pictures and videos are not allowed in the production facility. The entire process of making bills was explained and shown during the tour. It is also free which makes it a great spot to visit. The only down side is you must have tickets to enter and tickets are usually gone by 10:00 AM. The gift shop had a wide variety of bills and bill related items such as shredded money, uncut money, old money, books that help you learn oragami and come with a $1.00, pens with money designs, buttons with money designs, and, of course, a plethora of other little trinkets. I have noticed that many tourist traps in NYC and D.C. have gift shops that offer a few actually historically signifigant items or replicas and then the rest is pretty much worthless. It really annoys me.

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